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Meet Dr. Carmen A. Garcia

Functional Medicine and Weight-loss Specialist

Dr. Carmen Garcia has helped thousands of people improve their health and lives by incorporating various natural tools into her practice and through public speaking.

She has over 29 years of clinical practice.


Earning a B.S. in microbiology from the University of Massachusetts and a Doctorate in Chiropractic from Northeast College of Health Sciences. Continued education of 250+ hours covering many natural topics such as nutrition, laboratory studies, therapeutic lifestyle medicine and weight loss coaching.

Dr. Garcia also attended the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, where she received her certificate in Health Coaching. This has allowed her to be part of the solution to a major nutritional health crisis in America by offering many nutritional tools such as the Chiro Thin weight loss program and Science-Based Nutrition. As a Science-Based Nutrition (SBN) affiliated practitioner for over 12 years, Dr. Garcia looks at blood and hair analysis to correct imbalances that may result in disease. These health tools have made significant differences to many who are looking to reach optimal body functions through drug-free recommendations. 

When she is not at work, Dr. Garcia enjoys playing pickleball and is also an avid fly fisherman.

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