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Real People • Real Food • Real Results

Doctor Supervised Weight Loss

Finally, A Diet That Helps You Lose Weight In 6 Weeks Without Exercise

Lose 20-30 Pounds in 6 Weeks!

Welcome to Dr. Carmen A. Garcia's Weight Loss Program! Our doctor-supervised weight loss program will help you achieve your weight loss goals quickly and healthily. Unlike fad diets, you will eat real food that is specially formulated to help stabilize your blood sugar, suppress hunger and cravings, and give you the support you need to manage and maintain your weight. Let us help you get started on a healthier, happier life today!

How does it work?

  • In 6-weeks on this physician-supervised weight loss program. Most people lose 20-40 or more pounds (Men tend to lose more than the ladies)

  • You will eat real food with no shakes or pre-packaged items

  • There are no medications, injections, or exercise required

  • Weekly doctor visits or calls to monitor your progress.​​

  • Personalized all-natural supplements to address cravings, hunger and portion control​​

  • DAILY accountability, tracking, and secure communication with our staff if needed

  • DAILY tracking of food, weight, (blood sugar and blood pressure if needed)


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